DataSource |
Represents a location abstraction + some means to work with data at the location.
DataSourceListener |
Receives notifications about external changes to the data source.
FindUsagesParticipant |
Effective (usually index-based) implementation of find usages routines.
Memento |
Serves as a storage abstraction to persist configuration information for model roots or other elements
between sessions in a generic way.
MFProblem |
ModelFactory |
Represents a data source loading/saving/upgrading strategy.
ModelFactoryType |
Serves as identifier in the ModelFactoryRegistry.
ModelLoadingOption |
Marker interface for the model creation/loading option
ModelRoot |
Represents a logically connected group of models that come from a related physical origin, such as a file or a directory.
ModelRootContext |
Serves as a context when the model root is created via ModelRootFactory#create(ModelRootContext)
ModelRootFactory |
Factories which create model roots.
ModelSaveOption |
Marker interface for model serialization parameters
MultiStreamDataSource |
A data source with multiple input/output stream data sources (streams), each identified by a unique name.
MultiStreamDataSourceListener |
Gets notified whenever one or more streams (files) get changed by an external event.
NavigationParticipant |
Effective (usually index-based) builders of Go to Root/Class/Symbol/etc.
NavigationParticipant.NavigationTarget |
The implementer must correctly define equals() and hashCode() for implementations
SModelIdFactory |
Factories that create SModelId.
SNodeIdFactory |
Factories that create SNodeId.
StreamDataSource |
A data source with a single input stream.