All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractModelChangeEvent |
Base class for property, reference and node change events.
AbstractModelEvent |
Base class for model access and change notifications, just in case there's need to reference either.
AbstractModelReadEvent |
Base class for node (property and reference) read events.
BreadthConceptHierarchyIterator |
Iterates hierarchy of concepts, breadth-first.
CommandListener |
Condition<T> |
Consumer<T> |
ContentOption |
DataSource |
Represents a location abstraction + some means to work with data at the location.
DataSourceListener |
Receives notifications about external changes to the data source.
DataSourceNotSupportedProblem |
DataSourceType |
Serves as a unique identifier between DataSource instances.
DepthFirstConceptIterator |
Traverse hierarchy of SConcepts for a given concept (inclusive), visiting super-concepts first
then super-interfaces in an order they were specified in super-concepts (breadth-like).
DescendantsTreeIterator |
Iterator for a SNode sub-tree.
DetachableFacet |
Presumably facet could store properties independent of the owning module;
For instance copying/renaming is supposed to easier when we can detach the facet
from one module and attach to the other module.
EditableSModel |
Model deemed for editing.
FacetsFacade |
FacetsFacade.FacetFactory |
FileExtensionDataSourceType |
A data source type based on the file name extension
This type allows us to associate the corresponding data sources
with various model factories.
FilterIterator<T> |
Iterator that uses Condition to filter out undesired elements.
FindUsagesFacade |
Effective (usually index-based) implementation of find usages routines.
FindUsagesParticipant |
Effective (usually index-based) implementation of find usages routines.
GenerationOnly |
Marks those java entities which are employed only during a generation phase
ImmediateParentConceptIterator |
Concept hierarchy iterator that walks direct super concepts only, up to specified concept (exclusive)
or a top-most concept (BaseConcept , inclusive).
Immutable |
Marks classes/enums which do not change their state.
ImmutableReturn |
Marks methods which return value can not be changed.
InstanceOfCondition |
SNode condition which is satisfied with an instance of specified concept.
Internal |
Denotes classes/enums/methods/fields which are not recommended to be used by an outer client,
possibly it is better to keep away from using this API at all.
Memento |
Serves as a storage abstraction to persist configuration information for model roots or other elements
between sessions in a generic way.
MFProblem |
ModelAccess |
Grants access to objects in the repository (for example to models)
ModelCreationException |
The exception is thrown when AST content doesn't fit into the persistence format.
ModelFactory |
Represents a data source loading/saving/upgrading strategy.
ModelFactoryType |
Serves as identifier in the ModelFactoryRegistry.
ModelLoadException |
The exception is thrown when AST content doesn't fit into the persistence format.
ModelLoadingOption |
Marker interface for the model creation/loading option
ModelRoot |
Represents a logically connected group of models that come from a related physical origin, such as a file or a directory.
ModelRootContext |
Serves as a context when the model root is created via ModelRootFactory#create(ModelRootContext)
ModelRootFactory |
Factories which create model roots.
ModelSaveException |
The exception is thrown when AST content doesn't fit into the persistence format.
ModelSaveOption |
Marker interface for model serialization parameters
MultiStreamDataSource |
A data source with multiple input/output stream data sources (streams), each identified by a unique name.
MultiStreamDataSourceListener |
Gets notified whenever one or more streams (files) get changed by an external event.
Mutable |
Marks classes/enums which might change their state.
NavigationParticipant |
Effective (usually index-based) builders of Go to Root/Class/Symbol/etc.
NavigationParticipant.NavigationTarget |
The implementer must correctly define equals() and hashCode() for implementations
NavigationParticipant.TargetKind |
NullDataSource |
An empty implementation of the DataSource interface.
NullDataSource.NullDataSourceType |
PersistenceFacade |
Represents a singleton registry of model, model root factories, find usages and navigation participants.
PersistenceFacade.IncorrectModelReferenceFormatException |
PersistenceFacade.IncorrectNodeIdFormatException |
Processor<T> |
This class was copied from com.intellij.util.Processor
This is different from Consumer class as it can stop processing
ProgressMonitor |
This interface is implemented by activity progress monitors.
Project |
Project entity which denotes the working environment.
ReadActionListener |
RepositoryAccess |
Deprecated. |
ResolveInfo |
Captures information about target node necessary for association link
ResolveInfo.PS |
ResolveInfo.S |
SAbstractConcept |
A descriptor of a concept.
SAbstractLink |
Represents an abstract meta-definition of node connections.
SaveOptions |
Seems like we might want save the model differently in different scenarios.
SaveOptions.SaveOptionsBuilder |
SaveResult |
SConcept |
Represents a concept
SConceptFeature |
Member of a concept, named.
SContainmentLink |
Containment links describe parent-child relationships.
SDataType |
Data types define categories of persistable values
SDependency |
Represents a dependency between modules.
SDependencyScope |
There are several types of dependencies between two modules.
SearchScope |
Should be used only as find usages search scope.
SElement |
Common interface for all meta-entities.
SEnumeration |
Enumerations define collections of related options .
SEnumerationLiteral |
Represents an option in an enumeration
Singleton |
Marks classes/enums which are intentionally exploiting the singleton pattern, meaning
there is only one instance of this class per application.
SInterfaceConcept |
Represents an interface concept
SLanguage |
Reference to a deployed/run-time language.
SModel |
Represents a model.
SModel.Problem |
Represents a problem with the persistence.
SModel.Problem.Kind |
SModelId |
Uniquely identifies a model within a module.
SModelIdFactory |
Factories that create SModelId.
SModelListener |
This interface can be implemented to track model state.
SModelListenerBase |
SModelName |
Name of a model is complicated matter, we distinguish qualified/long and simple name, namespace fraction, and optional stereotype fraction of it.
SModelName.SModelNameCheck |
Possible SModelName check results.
SModelReference |
Represents a unique reference to a model, which remains valid across subsequent read and write actions.
SModelScope |
Deprecated. |
SModule |
A module is an abstraction for collection of models, tailored to address specific task.
SModuleAddedEvent |
SModuleChangedEvent |
SModuleEventVisitor |
SModuleFacet |
Facets allow to store language or feature-specific settings on a module-level.
SModuleId |
A repository-wide unique id of a module.
SModuleListener |
SModuleListenerBase |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
SModuleReference |
A globally unique reference to a module
SModuleRemovedEvent |
SModuleRemovingEvent |
SNamedElement |
A named meta-entity.
SNode |
A node can have 2 states: it can be either attached to some repository or not.
SNodeAccessListener |
SNodeAccessUtil |
Access to node "properties" using getters and setters declared in MPS.
SNodeAddEvent |
Encapsulates information about node added to a model.
SNodeChangeListener |
Listener to track changes to individual nodes in a model.
SNodeChangeListenerAdapter |
SNodeId |
Uniquely identifies a node within a model.
SNodeIdFactory |
Factories that create SNodeId.
SNodeReadEvent |
SNodeReference |
Represents a unique global reference to a node.
SNodeRemoveEvent |
Encapsulates information about node removed from a model.
SNodeUtil |
This class implement complex operations on the node structure.
SPrimitiveDataType |
SProperty |
Represents a concept property
SPropertyChangeEvent |
Encapsulates information about modified property.
SPropertyReadEvent |
Encapsulates information about read access to a property.
SReference |
Represents reference between nodes.
SReferenceChangeEvent |
Encapsulates information about modified reference.
SReferenceLink |
Reference links describe relations that do not follow the parent-child relationships pattern.
SReferenceReadEvent |
Encapsulates information about accessed reference.
SRepository |
A storage for modules.
SRepositoryAttachListener |
Variation of a repository listener that receives notifications when listener is attached to/detached from a repository.
SRepositoryContentAdapter |
This class serves as a convenient implementation of all repository listeners at once.
SRepositoryEvent |
SRepositoryListener |
Receives notifications whenever a repository gets updated.
SRepositoryListenerBase |
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version. |
SRepositoryModuleEvent |
Parent of repository module events
(adding and removing the module from a repository)
SScope |
Scope provides a set of nodes, visible in the particular context.
StreamDataSource |
A data source with a single input stream.
SType |
Types define categories of values.
SubProgressKind |
Defines several types of propagation of textual information (task and step names) from sub-tasks into the outer monitor
Evgeny Gryaznov, 10/3/11
TreeFilterIterator<T> |
Iterator that uses condition to filter out complete sub-tree.
TreeIterator<T> |
Tree iterator traverses a n-ary tree in a way that a parent node is visited before its children and
children are returned left-to-right.
UniqueIterator<T> |
Ensures elements coming from iterator are unique.
UnsupportedDataSourceException |
evgeny, 6/3/13
WriteActionListener |
Represents a listener to start/finish notifications of
NB: clients are guaranteed that there is a write lock inside actionStarted and actionFinished.